Board of Directors and Chorus Administrator
The members of the Board of Directors come from diverse backgrounds and experiences, but share their passion for the choral arts. We are always seeking new Board members whose skills complement those around the table. The OCWC’s Board is both a working board and a governing board, and board members give generously of their time, talent, and treasure. Board terms are three years, but shorter terms to fill open seats may be available. For more information about serving on our board, click here to download our current board service package. Visit our Volunteer page to view our current openings, and email us for more information!

Katrina Veldkamp, Board President

Marjorie A. Beale, Tours and Commissioning

Janet A. Bratton, Operations

Laurel Chowdhury, Audience Development

Marguerite Duprieu, Chief Financial Officer

Mary C. Langsdorf, Founding and Immediate Past President

Jasmine Nicholson, Audience Development

Laura Raynes, Data Analytics for Audience Development and Fundraising

Alec Waters, Operations and Technology